My primary research interests are in the areas of work-nonwork interface, individual multiple identities, and quantitative methods. 

I started my PhD program with an interest in understanding the experience of employees across their work and nonwork domains in an attempt to identify how individuals can navigate and reduce the tension and conflict they experience balancing their work and nonwork life. Within this stream of research, my work has focused on conceptualizing and measuring the work-nonwork balance, extending the literature and work-family conflict, and understanding how leisure activities can influence work-related outcomes. 

My interest in individual’s multiple identities grew out of a seminar project in the second year of my Ph.D. program. While conducting a literature review, I found that while research on multiple identities is growing, we have limited understanding of the topic because studies have typically adopted a static approach to understanding the interrelationship among identities, and multiple identity research has focused primarily on the interrelationship between two identities. Accordingly, my research on the topic addresses these shortcomings and focuses on identity coactivation and identity transition. 

I have a strong passion for quantitative methods and data analysis, which in conjunction with my background in computer engineering, has been an asset in my substantive areas of research. I regularly use advanced quantitative methods, such as structural equation modeling, meta-analysis, advanced dyadic, multilevel, and longitudinal data analysis, and time series analysis, to address various research questions. In addition, I have recently begun to develop new quantitative methods to analyze social network structure.