
Hoda Vaziri, PhD


Jean, E., Taylor N., Crawford, W., Hall, A., Vaziri, H., Casper, W., & Johnson, L. (2024). Identity Work Support Perceptions (IWSP): Development of a construct and measure. Journal of Applied Psychology.
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Amirkamali, F., Casper, W., Hyde, S., Wayne, J., & Vaziri, H. (2024). Setting our boundaries: The role of gender, values, and role salience in work–home boundary permeability. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
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Thapa, S., Vaziri, H., Shim, Y., Tay, L., Pawelski, J. (2023). Development and Validation of the Mechanisms of Engagement in the Arts and Humanities Scales. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.     
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Yaden, D., Batz-Barbarich, C., Ng, V., Vaziri, H., Gladstone, J., Pawelski, J., Tay, L. (2022). A meta-analysis of religion/spirituality and life satisfaction. Journal of Happiness Studies.
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Vaziri, H., Wayne, J., Casper, W., Lapierre, L., Greenhaus, J., Amirkamali, F., & Li, Y. (2022). A meta-analytic investigation of the personal and work-related antecedents of work-family balance. Journal of Organizational Behavior
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Slaughter, J., Gabriel, A., Ganster, M., Vaziri, H., MacGowan, R., (2021). Getting worse or getting better? Understanding the antecedents and consequences of emotion profile transitions during COVID-19-induced organizational crisis. Journal of Applied Psychology.
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     Media Mention: I/O at Work

Wayne, J., Vaziri H., Casper, W. (2021). Work-nonwork balance: Development and validation of a global and multidimensional measure. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
         – Finalist for Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research, 2022            
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Vaziri H., Casper, W., Wayne, J., & Matthews, R. (2020). Changes to the work-family interface during the COVID-19 pandemic: Examining predictors and implications using latent transition analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology
         – Winner of Responsible Research in Management Award, 2022   
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de Bloom, J., Vaziri H., Tay, L., & Kujanpaeae, M. (2020). An identity-based integrative needs model of crafting: Crafting within and across life domains. Journal of Applied Psychology
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Benson, G., McIntosh, C., Salazar, M., & Vaziri, H. (2020). Cultural values and definitions of career success. Human Resource Management Journal
         – Finalist for HR Division’s International HRM Scholarly Research Award, AOM, 2021 
         – Career Division’s Best International Paper Award, Academy of Management, 2013
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Vaziri, H., Tay, L., Parrigon, S., Bradburn, N., & Pawelski, J. (2019). STEM or humanities? Toward a balance of interest fit. Frontiers in Education
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 Vaziri, H., Benson, G., & Salazar, M. (2019). Hardworking coworkers: A multi-level cross-national look at group work hours and work-family conflict. Journal of Organizational Behavior
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Vaziri, H., Tay, L., Keith, G., & Pawelski, J. (2019). History, literature, and philosophy: A systematic review of positive functioning. Journal of Positive Psychology.
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Casper, W., Vaziri H., Wayne, J., DeHauw, S., & Greenhaus, J. (2018). The jingle-jangle of work-nonwork balance: A comprehensive review of its meaning and measurement. Journal of Applied Psychology.
         – Winner of William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award, SIOP, 2020
         – Finalist for Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research, 2019            
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Casper, W., Hyde, S., Vaziri, H., Wayne, J., (2023). Dual Process Model of Multi-Dimensional Work-Nonwork Balance. In Tetrick, L. E., Fisher, G. G., Ford, M. T., Quick, J. C. (Eds.). Handbook of Occupational Health Psychology (3rd edition). Washington, DC: American.

Casper, W., Wayne, J., Rice, F., Vaziri, H., (2023). Work-nonwork balance and employee well-being. In Lapierre, L. & Cooper, C. (Eds). Organisational Stress and Well-Being. Cambridge University Press.

Vaziri H., Bradburn, N. (2022). Flourishing Effects of Integrating the Arts and Humanities in STEM Education: A Review of Past Studies and an Agenda for Future Research. In Pawelski, J. & Tay, L. (Eds) Handbook of Humanities and Human Flourishing.